NXT TEC. was featured in an article in WAtoday on 27 March 2024 as a solution to Western Australia’s ongoing housing crisis.
Speaking to Sarah Brookes, NXT TEC.’s Chairman and Managing Director Natasha Di Ciano, discussed how NXT TEC.’s innovative NXT™ Technologies, which form the NXT™ Building System, allow for precision manufacturing to take place offsite, before the pre-built concrete and steel components are assembled onsite.
With Property Council modelling predicting that the housing deficit in Western Australia will grow by nearly 25,000 homes by the end of 2027, the unmatched speed of the NXT™ Building System enables homes to achieve lock up in four days, and around two months to reach practical completion. Natasha discussed how this paves the way for significantly faster, and more affordable home construction.
Credits: WAtoday, Sarah Brookes
Image Credits: Charlie Octavia