NXT® Flatpack is an Australian designed and manufactured, allin-one rapid deployment accommodation turnkey solution which can be used for emergency and immediate disaster response, as well as permanent applications.
NXT® Flatpack is more than simply a “product” that is supplied, it is a building technology solution that is licensed by us to local manufacturers and builders, and one hundred per cent of the manufacturing and assembly of the NXT® Flatpack occurs locally.
This means that the NXT® Flatpack can be rolled out in Australia without the need for materials or personnel to cross borders, and ensures the health and safety of all suppliers, manufacturers and builders involved in the entire supply chain.
NXT® Flatpack Precast 2 Bedroom 25m² assembled in 2 hours
Verandah Add-on 1 hour
Ready for fit-out within 3 hours

Verandah Add-on 1 hour
All-Australian made and no imported products or materials.
Suited to urban, rural and regional areas which would require additional resources or time to provide emergency accommodation using traditional construction methods.
Self-sufficient and suitable for areas which do not have existing infrastructure, utilities or services.
A rapid deployment solution delivered to site as a system of prefabricated precast materials, that can be assembled within 24 hours per unit using common hardware and with simple fit-outs.
Utilises local suppliers, manufacturers, trades and labour, which can create up to 400 local jobs (based on manufacturing and delivery of 100 NXT®Flatpack units).
Units range in size from 25m² to 75m², and various configurations and fit-out options are available to suit different requirements and budgets.
High Bushfire Attack Level (BAL-40), cyclone rated for wind region D, suitable for earthquake prone areas, NatHERS 6-star energy rating, and has achieved structural and acoustic compliance.
Meets Australian Standards (AS), Building Code of Australia (BCA), all safety requirements and has been accredited with an international Environmental Production Declaration (EPD) for its environmental performance.
End-to-end project management from procurement to delivery, assembly and quality assurance by NXT.
National network of reputable and qualified builders, certified by the Federal Safety Commissioner, who can undertake building and assembly utilising their building licence and maintains insurances.

Building Compliance

floor plans
NXT® Flatpack Precast 1 Bedroom 25m²

NXT® Flatpack Precast 2 Bedroom 25m²

NXT® Flatpack Precast 3 Bedroom 50m²

NXT® Precast Home 4 Bedroom 75m²

Medical Facility
NXT® Flatpack Precast 2 Bedroom 25m² with ramp Add-on